My Beauty

My beauty is beyond what the eye can see. My beauty is like a magnetic pull it attracts and attracts. My beauty is inspiring and bright, full of love and peace. Every day I realize more and more how beautiful I really am. Not just on the outside but, on the inside which is much... Continue Reading →

Tribulations and Realizations

Hello lovelies, I'm constantly overjoyed by the views and I truly hope my stories and experiences help you along the way. I've spoke a lot about my future, life, and career goals on this blog. As always, life has not gone as planned. My life is at a pivotal point where I am making a... Continue Reading →

Trust Issues

All my life the people that were suppose to care for me and love me the most have failed me. I grew up believing I was worthless, unlovable, and a burden. I really believed my life had no value. It was sad growing up in a home that wasn't a home. I absolutely hated being... Continue Reading →

Reasons to leave

They make you more sad than happy You already struggle enough with depression and constant overthinking you don't need someone adding more stress and depression. 2. They make you insecure I don't mean just any type of insecure but, the type that drives you nuts, makes you cry and look in the mirror to repeatedly... Continue Reading →

Me too.

Do you ever feel that you just need someone to hold your hand and tell you it's going to be okay? Even if everything may not be okay, ever. But, just to have someone tell you it's going to be okay, you're going to be okay. Like all you need is that someone having hope... Continue Reading →

Why I still smile

Despite all the trauma I've been through I find ways to smile through others. The joy of bringing others joy is much more satisfactory then when I just make myself laugh. It's interesting when my therapist calls me lucky and I wonder how in the world I could possibly ever be lucky? Then she told... Continue Reading →


I remember this place when I am down in the dumps. I remember it because, here I was set free. I gained confidence, in my decisions and myself. For a long time I did not stand up for myself I was afraid to ask questions because so much of my life I was not allowed... Continue Reading →

The Good Days

Hey friends, Like every other person I have my good and bad days but, you know I never really post on the good days and I should because life isn't always gray for me. Sometimes it's bright, full, and just beautiful. There are days where I feel like this: happy, confident, and full of hope.... Continue Reading →

Life is a struggle

Dear Human, Do you ever wake up in the mornings feeling tired, depressed, and simply worthless? Like your body is just so heavy and life is just too hard. You're so hopeful the night before that you'll feel different and be different. That you'll wake up early and meditate or workout, simply do something that... Continue Reading →

People like me

I want to be with more people like me. People who have been through what I've been through. I want people in my life who have been spit on, stepped on, and broken down to the very core. Those people that learned how to love through all that. That still wake up every day in... Continue Reading →

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