My Beauty

My beauty is beyond what the eye can see. My beauty is like a magnetic pull it attracts and attracts. My beauty is inspiring and bright, full of love and peace. Every day I realize more and more how beautiful I really am. Not just on the outside but, on the inside which is much... Continue Reading →

Healthy Relationships

Where to begin? There's so many avenues to relationships. There's friends, acquaintances, lovers, family, that one person you say hi to on the way to work. Somewhat of a spectrum of ways to look at a relationship, like a rainbow. If you allow others in more maybe your life will feel more colorful. I feel... Continue Reading →


In the past few months I took a lot of losses. From injuring my leg, dealing with a traumatic death, losing friends, leaving school, and piling up health issues. I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't walk (literally), and I was grieving. On top of all that I had throat surgery... Continue Reading →

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