My Beauty

My beauty is beyond what the eye can see. My beauty is like a magnetic pull it attracts and attracts. My beauty is inspiring and bright, full of love and peace. Every day I realize more and more how beautiful I really am. Not just on the outside but, on the inside which is much... Continue Reading →

Tribulations and Realizations

Hello lovelies, I'm constantly overjoyed by the views and I truly hope my stories and experiences help you along the way. I've spoke a lot about my future, life, and career goals on this blog. As always, life has not gone as planned. My life is at a pivotal point where I am making a... Continue Reading →

Reasons to leave

They make you more sad than happy You already struggle enough with depression and constant overthinking you don't need someone adding more stress and depression. 2. They make you insecure I don't mean just any type of insecure but, the type that drives you nuts, makes you cry and look in the mirror to repeatedly... Continue Reading →


Hello all, If you've been following my progress, sorry I've been gone so long. I want to yell and say, I AM SAVED. But, what a joke that is. I thought I was doing so well, I thought I was whole again. I mean I am whole, again but, I still have a long way... Continue Reading →


I remember this place when I am down in the dumps. I remember it because, here I was set free. I gained confidence, in my decisions and myself. For a long time I did not stand up for myself I was afraid to ask questions because so much of my life I was not allowed... Continue Reading →

Life is a struggle

Dear Human, Do you ever wake up in the mornings feeling tired, depressed, and simply worthless? Like your body is just so heavy and life is just too hard. You're so hopeful the night before that you'll feel different and be different. That you'll wake up early and meditate or workout, simply do something that... Continue Reading →

Hello World

This is why I started my blog, I remember trying to find someone like me. Trying to figure out whether people have gone through what I have. I googled words like, rape, depression, anxiety, and how to get help. This is a place where a young girl of age 14 who had no one to turn... Continue Reading →

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